Sunday 1 September 2013

Ashwamedha Yagna

‘Ashwa’ in Sanskrit means horse. During Ashwamedha Yagna, A special horse will be used to perform certain religious rights, and then it will be let loose. It can go anywhere it pleases. The emperor performing Ashwamedha yagna will send some of his army men, along with an important minister or prince, to protect the horse. It is their duty to make sure the horse visits nearby cities, countries, and comes back safe. As the horse roams around, all those areas will now come under this emperor’s power. If you are ruling one of these areas, you need to become a subordinate and accept the emperor’s superiority.

How does this story corresponds to our life?
Let us say you are interacting with a prospect or a customer, the discussion slowly gets into an argument. Now, what do you focus on?
  • Who is right? Who is wrong?
  • If I am right, and the other party is wrong, do I fight for it? Or let the other party win this argument, so that I can focus on the long term goal (getting the order, or signing the contract)
  • If I am wrong, and the other party is right, do I accept my mistake, or failure, again focusing on the long term goal?
  • In the full context of things, Should we really care about who wins an intermediate argument? 
 Ashwamedha yagna is not the focus on winning the small bit but wining the big power if truly understood .
We should not focus on the small term goal of making a small achievement but on the long term goal of making the world know what we are doing. Focus on what you are doing should not last for the time being but continue with new features and targeting more and more people. For now people may not know what you are doing and even if you make them understand the response may be not at all to your expectation . They may laugh ,advice , not understand what you are doing or at the most say ok and forget about it. But don't worry focus on the goal you have set and go on moving as fast as possible . There will be one day when world will start knowing what your are doing without even telling or making them understand .
Each person should have the goal to achieve a big target not always happy on small thing done. Focus on the power to win the most out of life through the courage and strong mindset.
The target of Ashwamedha yagna was not to win one or two power but tOwin as much as possible .

Each step climbed shows there is one more step to climb and the climbing up should not to be upto the top of the building nor to the 50 floor building but for the skies. Keep your target very high always so that you can  surely reach some  point more then anyone's expectation.

                                                                                                                          Shilpa M

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